Hudson resident's legacy lives on through fund
Everett Shumate had a heart for Hudson. In the 1930s, he grew up as one of the few African Americans in the small town.
After graduating from Hudson High School, Everett joined his father as an employee of the Peterson Nut Company, and for five years, he worked hard to build a good life for his family in Cleveland. But, his heart longed for home. With the help of some friends, Everett and his wife, Arthurine, built a house on Hudson's Lincoln Boulevard and laid the foundation for his family's future.
For 25 years, Everett, or "Mr. Shumate" as he became known, operated the Marathon station in the heart of Main Street. Whether he was fixing a customer's bike or offering them a lift home, Everett was quick to help and slow to accept repayment. His station was a haven for teens – both the popular and the marginalized – who dropped by for gas or a drink of Coke and conversation. He offered safety and shelter from the storms of life.
While Everett gave so much to Hudson through his business, he always dreamed of a time when every Hudson child could grow up with equal opportunities. In 2013, Everett's daughter Minerva started the Everett L. Shumate Fund at Akron Community Foundation to continue his legacy of inclusiveness.
Months later, cancer would take Minerva's life, but her father's dream lives on through the fund she began in his name. "My father wanted all children to graduate from college and experience the world," she said. "This fund ensures a lasting tribute in his name."