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BCF's Impact: Victory Gallop

Fencing runs along a barn at Victory Gallop
A 2018 grant allowed Victory Gallop to replace aging fencing on the farm.

As part of our 10th Anniversary, we're sharing stories of how grants from Bath Community Fund have impacted local nonprofits. To help us celebrate, Kim Gustely of Victory Gallop shared how Bath Community Fund has been instrumental to Victory Gallop's therapeutic equestrian program. 

She said, "Thanks to the grants that Victory Gallop has received from BCF, we are able to continue to make a difference in the lives of children with behavioral and/or emotional challenges and life-threatening illnesses through the use of horses. Founded in 1995, Victory Gallop is proud to serve the Bath community. Located on part of the old Firestone Estate, we love to continue the tradition of raising horses on open land in Bath. We enjoy sharing the farm and the horses with the families that participate in therapeutic riding, as well as the many volunteers that help us carry out our mission."

Victory Gallop has used grants from Bath Community Fund to provide rider scholarships to children with emotional and/or behavioral challenges and life-threatening illnesses, help with operating expenses, and upkeep the farm through the installation of new fencing. 

Kim continued, "Bath Community Fund is such a beautiful gift to the Bath community. The foresight that the founders had to create the fund was inspired by their great love of Bath Township and the desire to help their neighbors. With their energy, optimism and drive, they have created a network of giving that will forever support the citizens of Bath. The donors to BCF have created such a ripple effect of good in our community, and we are forever grateful!"

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