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Akron Community Foundation recognizes that community needs are best addressed through foresight, strategic planning and collaboration.  

Our Proactive Grantmaking process was created to provide additional support to nonprofit partners in key areas of need, focusing on a forward-looking approach that tackles pressing issues before they become critical crises. While responsive grantmaking – like our quarterly grants in the areas of education, civic affairs, arts and culture, and health and human services – reacts to immediate needs of nonprofits, proactive grantmaking involves actively identifying community needs, setting strategic priorities, and funding projects that address systemic issues at their root.  

From conducting research through community needs assessments to listening sessions with people who live and work in our community, Akron Community Foundation is committed to discovering and prioritizing the issues that are the most concerning to our community. Through this research and listening, the foundation has identified housing, mental health and public safety as its current areas of focus for proactive grantmaking.  

Since 2019, Akron Community Foundation has invested nearly $700,000 in proactive grants and continues to fund projects related to its prior areas of focus: addiction recovery; the aging adult population; and diversity, equity and inclusion.

Image of Grant Application Document for proactive grants

Grant Application Process

The application process for proactive grants closed Dec. 1, 2024. Awards will be announced in March 2025. Up to $1 million is expected to be available over the next two years for project ideas that address critical needs in Summit County in the areas of housing, mental health and public safety.

To learn more, read the full RFP. review the slides from our informational webinar, or view the recorded webinar embedded below. Contact Cristina González Alcalá, Ph.D. with questions.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I apply for other ACF grants if I receive a Proactive Grant? Yes, you will be eligible to apply for other ACF grants. Neither applying nor receiving a Proactive Grant award will disqualify your organization from pursuing other ACF grants. 

What is the purpose of the Proactive Grantmaking initiative? The initiative aims to address critical community needs in Summit County through innovative and sustainable projects that foster community prosperity. It focuses on both immediate and long-term solutions. 

What are the funding priorities? Funding will support projects that make a significant impact in the areas of housing, mental health, and public safety, with an overarching focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion, the aging adult population, and addiction recovery. 

How much funding is available? Up to $1 million is available to support projects over the first two to three years of this initiative. Up to five (5) projects will receive a Systems Capacity grant (up to $50,000 to each grantee), and up to five (5) projects will receive a Systems Change grant (up to $150,000 to each grantee). Systems Change grants will be distributed over two to three years, and grantees will be asked to complete a brief application to receive funds for year two or three as applicable.  

If I don't apply for a Proactive grant this year, can I apply in 2025? No. Organizations interested in receiving this Proactive funding cycle should apply this year. Funding will be distributed between 2025 and 2027 based on Project Outcome (Systems Capacity or Systems Change). ACF will keep the community updated on future Proactive Grantmaking funds.

What are the key deadlines? 

  • Applications Open: November 1, 2024 
  • Application Deadline: December 1, 2024 
  • Semi-finalists Notified: January 15, 2025 
  • Semi-finalists Interviews: January 29, 2025  
  • Finalists and Grant Awards Announced: March 7, 2025 

Who is eligible to apply? Eligible applicants are 501(c)(3) public charitable organizations with a strong history of commitment to the Summit County community. Projects must focus on impacting Summit County and align with the initiative's priorities. 

Are there any restrictions on what will not be funded? Yes, the initiative will not fund endowments, scholarships, capital campaigns, direct financial support to individuals, lobbying, religious organizations for religious purposes, or private non-operating foundations. 

How do I submit my application? Applications must be submitted through ACF's online portal.  

Can I submit multiple applications? No, you may submit one application, either for a Systems Capacity grant or for a Systems Change grant. However, organizations may be identified as partners or collaborators for multiple projects.  

How will my application be evaluated? Members of a grants committee will review all eligible applications. Applications will be evaluated based on their alignment with funding priorities, the potential for significant community transformation, and the strength of partnerships and collaborations. 

I am applying for a Systems Change application. How can I distinguish the total grant amount I would like to request from ACF for the project from the total amount I need in the first year? All Systems Change grant applicants will be asked to provide both amounts in the application. Please include your total amount requested (up to $150,000) under the "System Change Project Request" question, then use the "Amount Requested" question to include the amount you will need for the first year of your project. Please note that all Systems Change requests will be paid over two to three years. Organizations cannot request the full $150,000 to be distributed in the first year of their project.  

My organization does not have a Candid profile, how do I create one? Creating or claiming your Candid profile is free. Please visit this link to learn how 

I am completing the Organizational Demographics section in Candid. What information are you looking for? Please gather and report demographic data for your senior staff and board members in the areas of race & ethnicity, gender identity, transgender identity, sexual orientation, and disability status. This information should be uploaded through Demographics Via Candid. We recommend reviewing Candid’s article, "How to Collect and Share Demographic Data," for best practices and tips on survey design. While we understand that some individuals may choose not to disclose certain information, we encourage you to ask these questions to ensure a comprehensive understanding of your organization's diversity. 

  • All senior staff information should be collected and uploaded by the time you submit your application (Dec. 1, 2024). 
  • Board member information should be collected and uploaded by Jan. 29, 2025. 

Will requests for equipment/technology be considered for funding? It depends. Equipment requests will be considered if they are integral to advancing Systems Capacity or Systems Change within your organization or proposal. Requests solely for upgrading equipment to enhance current services for constituents may not move forward in the process. For technology needs to be eligible, they should demonstrate a transformational impact, rather than an enhancement that could be covered through future an organization's own operating support if available. 

How will grant awards be distributed? Systems Capacity grantees will receive the funding in one payment; Systems Change grantees will receive the funding in two to three payments. All grantees will be asked to complete a Grant Agreement and Payment Request forms online before checks can be mailed.  

John Garofalo, Vice President, Community Investment: 330-436-5624 or 

Cristina González Alcalá, Ph.D., Director of Community Investment: 330-436-5626 or 

Proactive Grant History

In 2024, Akron Community Foundation awarded $52,000 in proactive grants to the following organization:

  • Downtown Akron Partnership, to develop an equitable framework for bringing new business and residency to the city's core, $52,000

In 2023, Akron Community Foundation awarded $40,000 in proactive grants to the following organizations:

  • Akron Police Department, to support a comprehensive health and wellness program to provide sworn officers and other personnel with mental, emotional and physical wellness information and services, $15,000
  • Humane Society of Summit County, to pair aging adults with local pets needing adoption, $25,000

In 2022, Akron Community Foundation awarded $137,500 in proactive grants to the following organizations:

  • ArtsNow, for implementation of the Cultural Plan, including awarding funds to local nonprofits for their equity, inclusion and access projects and programs, $75,000
  • Black Economic and Wellness Coalition of Akron, to support infrastructure development and its housing initiative, $25,000
  • Summit Education Initiative, to support the design and launch of a comprehensive out-of-school time (OST) network in Akron, $37,500

In 2021, Akron Community Foundation awarded $75,000 in proactive grants to the following organizations:

In 2020, Akron Community Foundation awarded $150,000 in proactive grants to the following organizations:

  • Akron Urban League, to increase the organization's capacity to lead social justice efforts through the addition of a director of diversity and strategic initiatives, $100,000 (awarded over three years)
  • ConxusNEO, to fully convert its training program to a virtual platform and provide innovative community outreach strategies to connect Black residents in Summit County to career opportunities and job preparation resources, $50,000 (awarded over three years)

In 2019, Akron Community Foundation awarded $225,000 in proactive grants to the following organizations:

  • Direction Home Akron Canton, to help make Summit County a more livable and accessible community for people of all ages over the next five years, $100,000 (awarded over three years)
  • Greater Akron Chamber, to support the Elevate Greater Akron initiative, which aims to create an inclusive economy in Greater Akron by intentionally advancing income and employment to address long-term equity gaps, $100,000 (awarded over three years)
  • Women's Network, to improve on the key findings from its Gender Equity & Women's Leadership Study, a comprehensive local examination of women in leadership roles, which found that compared to the national average, local women – particularly women of color – are underrepresented in leadership, $25,000
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